If You Have Pre-existing Conditions, You Must Read This

If You Have Pre-existing Conditions, You Must Read This
Honesty is the best policy
This program is not meant to be a last resort solution or a place to test your luck when everything else fails. There’s a reason we’re not letting in, or at least not before giving a thorough review of people with pre-existing illnesses to join this program.
This is a community based program where your action as a member affects all the others, and the rights of everyone on this platform have to be put on the highest pedestal to be respected and protected.
Don't beat the system
You cannot cheat your way into this program and let everyone foot your medical bills for illnesses that you already knew you had before signing up. If you’re coming in with that expectation, well, that’s not very nice. And you’ll be exposed too because hospitals keep your medical records.
Certain illnesses have to go through a history of progression that takes certain amount of time. So even without medical records, our panel of medical experts can align that with the date you sign up and things will be seen as a mismatch.
Hypertension is such illnesses.
Declare Honestly

‘Z’ was a Sharer with a history of hypertension, was admitted to Hospital Tuanku Ampuan Najihah Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan, but did not go through the treatment regime.
First let’s look at the timeline of his case;
Nov 2020: Registered into Gathercare (6 months waiting period begins for critical illnesses including hypertension)
Mar 2021: Went to Hospital Tuanku Ampuan Najihah Kuala Pilah, but didn’t follow up with treatments (2 months remaining waiting period)
June 2021: Went to KPJ Seremban under Gathercare program and claimed that he was only diagnosed 1 month earlier (now passed waiting period). Yet his diagnosis was Intraventricular hemorrhage, which is a condition caused by chronic hypertension.
His medical records confirm that he’s already living with the symptoms of hypertension prior to joining the program, which he didn’t declare at the time of registration. Fraud might be a strong word to use here but this kind of action is very unwelcomed in the community.
Eligibility Criteria of Joining Gathercare
There’re only 4 criteria you must fulfill to be part of Gathercare community.
There’re only 4 criteria you must fulfill to be part of Gathercare community.
You are a Malaysian
You are of eligible age, from 0-45 years old
You are currently healthy, and;
You are an honest community player
With that said, however It’s not a dead end for people with pre-existing illnesses. You can still apply by declaring your conditions, and submitting all relevant records to be reviewed by our panel of medical experts.
Gathercare is in the process of building the framework that will enable people with pre-existing illnesses to get on board while still controlling the risks at a reasonably low level for all the other Sharers. To make that a reality, what Gathercare needs is strong support from the masses.