Gathercare’s first ever Community Day!

Gathercare’s first ever Community Day!
On October 29, 2022, Gathercare hosted its first-ever community day with our community members at Yue Hartamas. Our 3- hour session includes an in-depth explanation of what is a community report, a fireside chat session regarding the Gathercare community, and a talk about “Low Carb High Fat diet” by the founder of MD Keto Trading, Mr Ang Tun Chek.

Gatherecare’s aim is to build a truly subsidized medical community!
The main objective of our event is to engage with the community members while gathering suggestions for the improvement of the company and to provide health education as we want our community members to acquire fresh and beneficial knowledge that they can impart to others. Furthermore, this community day will be a recurring event in the future which will add an additional benefit to the Gathercare community.
Our Gathercare community day begins with Gathercare’s founder, Mr Gideon Leong, uttering a speech thanking all the parties that have come forward to give support towards Gathercare community. In his speech, he mentioned that the past five years have been quite difficult for us, but we have managed to overcome them to build this community. He also shared the benefits that the public will get if they join our Gathercare community, as it is the first crowd sharing medical alliance in our country where people can share their medical covers within GatherCare community up to 1 million per year including protection for accidents and critical illnesses.
He added that in order to protect our community, Gathercare will deliver accurate information and news on all our social media in which it also shares topics towards living a healthy lifestyle.

What is a community report?
The event then followed by the explanation from Mr. Tan Chun Sian on what is a community report and a presentation on community report for October 2022. He explained that every month on 24th Gathercare will post a community report on our official website and Facebook which comprise an individual share amount summary, contribution summary, highlight, breakdown of shared amount and case details.
During the event, the audience also had an opportunity to engage with the Gathercare team member in an Q&A session where the community members shared their opinion, thoughts and suggestions regarding GatherCare community.

MD Keto Trading Mr.Ang Tun Chek has over 300k followers in their official Facebook account!
After a quick lunchbreak, The founder of MD Keto Trading Mr.Ang Tun Chek conducted an interesting talk regarding ‘Low Carb High Fat’ where he explains indetail about carbohydrate-restricted dietary regimen for weight control, diabetes prevention and management

Our community day concluded with the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between Gathercare and MD Keto Trading for a fruitful future collaboration.
Spread the word about Gathercare and together we can help even more people and lower the burden for everybody!