Breaking the vicious concept of Health = Money

Have you ever felt the sting of medical bills that leave your pockets empty and your spirit drained? The idea that quality healthcare is only available to those with deep pockets is a cruel and outdated concept that needs to be dismantled. That’s where Gathercare comes in, with a mission to stifle medical care inflation and make high-quality medical care accessible to everyone.
How Can Gathercare Help Stifle Medical Care Inflation?
When I first joined the program, I was skeptical about how this could be achieved. I questioned whether we were just creating more demand for private medical institutions, which would only lead to more exorbitant prices. But then I learned about eMas, the Eximius Medical Administration Solution, our trusted partner since the beginning.
eMas not only facilitates hospital admissions but also scrutinizes medical bills to ensure that the treatment, diagnosis, and price are all in line with each other. This is crucial in tackling the rampant problem of overtreating patients in the healthcare industry. Overtreatment is a disease in itself, and Gathercare’s community-driven program puts the rights of the participants at the forefront, working tirelessly to prevent any attempt to overcharge or overtreat a patient.
Overtreatment Itself is a Disease
This was demonstrated in a recent case involving one of our Carers, who was faced with an estimated bill of RM30k for an appendix removal. Thanks to eMas’s intervention, the bill was reduced to just RM14k, an incredible feat of negotiation that saved our community from shouldering the burden of increased monthly Crowd Share. This is the kind of core strength that has earned the trust of over 5000 people who believe in Gathercare’s mission to fix the cracks in the healthcare system.

And it worked!

That’s over 50% reduction which otherwise would have been footed by all Gathercare Community members. Talk about lowering the burden, this is a prime example of what Gathercare strives for.
The Takeaway
Gathercare promises to be the beacon of hope in creating a more equitable healthcare system, starting from the bottom up. While we may still be considered small, we are determined to make a big impact with your support. Join us in our mission to help more people gain optimal health, regardless of their financial status. Let’s break the vicious cycle of Health = Money and create a brighter, healthier future for all.